We collect and recycle various electrical and electronic products generated at workplaces and households and recycle them into raw materials or dispose them safely.
Waste Target
- Computer, Laptop, Tablet PC, Printer, Monitor, Mobile Phone, ect.
- Various electric and electronic products
- Product and equipments made of plastics
- Product or structure made of Iron steels
※ We provide destruction service of document or hard disk containing personal information.
Product Disposal Service
Returnable goods, inventory stock items, and prototype disposal are implement at the disposal center and destroyed, dismantled, and disposed safely or recycled as raw materials.
We issue a certification of waste disposal after we compelete disposal service.

<Dismantling ATM> |

<Dismantling ATM> |
Disposal of Raw Materials
We dispose various plastic kind and raw materials.
We issue a certification of waste disposal after we compelete disposal service.
Disposal of Computerized Equipments
For unwanted IT compuerized equipments, we securely dismentle and dispose them with relevant procedure based on related law.
Security measures of storage media such as hard disk are completely processed in the presence of the concerned person and personnel before discharge from the relevant storage

<Disposal of computerized equipment> |

<Disposal of computerized equipment> |